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Board Committees

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee—which also includes the Investment Committee and the Audit Committee (all working committees of the Board)—provides financial oversight for the school. It is tasked with presenting financial reports to the full Board; previewing the annual budget, tuition proposals, IRS Form 990, quarterly endowment, and Biblical Worldview Institute Report; meeting with auditors; and working with the investment process, including establishing a clear understanding of investment goals and objectives while offering guidance and limitations to the investment manager(s).

Spiritual Life Committee

The Spiritual Life Committee, a standing committee of the Board of Trustees, serves to provide the school’s spiritual oversight/covering, thereby helping promote a school community that is reflective of our Guiding Principles and that stays true to a biblical worldview. This committee comprises a Trustee representative, a church partner representative, an alumni/parent representative, and administrator representatives. 


CCS Community Groups and Committees

Culture Committee

The Culture Committee functions for the purpose of promoting, preserving, and cultivating a consistent mission-focused culture across every campus. The committee meets every 6–8 weeks, and more frequently if determined appropriate, and is in the process of developing a formal purpose statement. Within the scope of the CCS culture are the following:

Crisis Care Team

Our Crisis Care Team ensures efficient and compassionate care in events of crisis or tragic loss that impact multiple campuses or our CCS community as a whole. This team meets as needed in the event of receiving news of a crisis or tragic loss.

Diversity Council

The mission and purpose of the Diversity Council is to value, respect and embrace the diversity of God’s kingdom, which is made up of social, physical, economic, cultural, individual, academic, and linguistic differences. The council provides input and promotes insight to CCS that will help recognize and unify the diversity of God’s kingdom. This council meets quarterly, and more frequently if determined appropriate.

Biblical Diversity: The biblical view of diversity at CCS is based on the premise from Holy Scripture that we are each uniquely and lovingly created in God’s image, we all share equal value, and we are unified only in and through Christ. It is also a commitment to appreciate and value each individual, as exemplified by Jesus Christ. Our intent is to promote and practice biblical diversity in all that we do at Cascade Christian Schools (Revelation 7:9-10, Colossians 1:16-17, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14).

Parents for Cascade (PfC)

The mission and purpose of Parents for Cascade is to unite parents through open communication as we support and serve the students, teachers, and administration in providing spiritual and academic excellence. Connect with your campus to learn more about PfC, and visit your campus calendar to find the next meeting time.

Safety Committee

The Safety Committee ensures that the school is operating in a safe and secure manner as it relates to OSHA standards as well as protocols for matters of overall safety and security. This committee consists of representation from each campus and meets monthly throughout the school year.