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Mission and Purpose

Our Mission Statement
To glorify God by providing an excellent Christ-centered education dedicated to developing discerning leaders who are spiritually, personally, and academically prepared to impact their world

Our Core Purpose Statement
To impact lives by teaching and training people to discover their purpose before God in a culture where people are known and valued

Our Core Values

  • Wisdom: To view life and live life from God’s perspective
  • Integrity: Uncompromising commitment to truth, honor, faithfulness, loyalty, and trust
  • Excellence: A sustained, dedicated pursuit of God-given potential
  • Honor: A commitment to treat everyone with love, respect, and dignity, and to recognize each individual as uniquely created in the image of God

Our Core Commitments
Biblical Worldview Immersion (BWI)
Immersing all aspects of a student—head, heart, and hand (actions)—in a biblical worldview in every area of the life of the student*

*BWI definition and application adapted from Roger Erdvig in Beyond Biblical Integration (Summit Ministries, 2020), pp. 10, 28

Excellence in the CCS 4 Pillars
Academic Excellence
Leadership Development
Personal Character Development: Respect, Responsibility, Relationship
Spiritual Formation

Creating an environment in which people are known and valued, have a sense of belonging, and function from a position of common purpose and interdependence 
Creating a culture in which everyone is treated with love and respect, and accepts each individual as uniquely created in the image of God 
Emphasizing the importance of unity within community 

We believe:

  • in one sovereign and eternal God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:4–6, John 15:26–27).
  • God created man in His own image, as male and female (Genesis 1:27).
  • all of humanity is created equally in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
  • we were separated from God as a result of choosing sin, and those who believe have been restored by God’s love through faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ (Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12–19).
  • in the virgin birth and the deity of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, truly human and truly divine (Matthew 1:23, Colossians 2:9–10).
  • salvation has been provided for all people through the loving and sacrificial act of Christ’s death and resurrection, resulting in eternal life for all who believe, repent, and place their faith in God (Ephesians 2:8, John 3:16).
  • in the spiritual unity of all believers, each of whom is an integral part of the church—the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12–14, Ephesians 4:3).
  • all believers are responsible to fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples of all people (Matthew 28:19–20, Acts 1:8).
  • the Bible is the inspired Word of God—revealed to the world—and contains His plan of salvation and redemption for all of creation (2 Timothy 3:16–17, John 1:14).
  • in the Second Coming of Christ and the fullness of salvation for eternity (Hebrews 9:28, Acts 1:11).

Educational Philosophy

The educational philosophy of Cascade Christian Schools at all educational levels has its foundation in a God-centered view of truth as presented in the Bible. The integrating center for the educational experiences of a student is found in the person of Jesus Christ and in His written Word—the Bible (Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:1-6, Matthew 28:19, Luke 2:52).

Recognizing the pressures upon a young person today, Cascade Christian Schools offers an environment that promotes and teaches spiritual principles of living and that encourages human relations within the context of biblical imperatives (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Cascade Christian’s curriculum arises from a philosophy that places God, not man, in the center of all things (Colossians 2:3, Proverbs 1:7, Colossians 1:17). Emanating from this philosophy is the challenge to students to use every talent vigorously, “as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). Students should be prepared to meet life’s intellectual and philosophical challenges with a well-reasoned faith (2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Peter 3:15, Colossians 2:8, 2 Corinthians 10:5).

At Cascade Christian Schools, we desire that our entire organization be aligned to our Guiding Principles, including our educational process. We are committed to educating the whole child, in all areas of their lives as students begin to understand and apply who God designed them to be and how to effectively impact their world. We purposefully work with all students in four key areas:

We refer to these areas as the CCS 4 Pillars and have developed Expected Student Outcomes in each area. It is our desire that students who graduate from Cascade Christian Schools be able to apply these skills for the next part of their journey in college and career.

CCS Teaching Statements

Ultimately, we believe it is our role to share the good news of grace and mercy that stems from the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Our goal is to develop discerning leaders by approaching the following issues from a biblical worldview formed by our statement of faith and teachings in Christ. We aim to equip our teachers to align their teaching with the position of these statements. We strive to understand the positions and perspectives of our families, and we believe that an individual’s choice is subject to God’s Word, not our words. Below we have highlighted our stance on some of the common social issues that tend to be controversial in today’s culture. We value and believe in our partnership with parents and welcome all families that desire a Christian education and can honor what we teach.

God-Honoring Lifestyle

We teach that God wants us to live a life that is pleasing and honoring to Him at all times (1 Peter 1:15, John 13:34, Romans 12:1-2).
We teach the importance that we as Christ-followers manifest—both in principle and by example—the highest Christian virtue and personal conduct, serving as Christian role models in wisdom, excellence, integrity, and honor (1 Timothy 4:12, Luke 6:40).
We teach students to find their identity and purpose in Christ (Colossians 3:1-4, 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Resolving Conflict

We teach that as much as it depends on us, God calls us to live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18).
We teach that when faced with conflict, God wants us to resolve it (Matthew 18:15-17, Ephesians 4:26, 2 Corinthians 5:18, Colossians 3:12-13).
We teach students to treat everyone with love, respect, and dignity, and to recognize each individual as uniquely created in the image of God (Psalm 139:13-14, Isaiah 64:8).


We teach that God wants us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8).
We teach that the world fails in its attempts to bring justice to society when it is void of the transforming power of Christ (Judges 17:6, Romans 3:23).
We teach that God’s vision of justice requires not only fair and just treatment to all people, but a willingness to think beyond oneself and sacrificially do what is in the best interest of others while striving for their overall well-being (Isaiah 1:17, Philippians 2:1-11).


We teach that one who values and respects others shows kindness and the love of God in any actions directed toward them (1 John 4:7).
We teach that rather than deny our differences, Christians are called to recognize our unique gifts, as the purpose of our differences is to work in unity as the body of Christ (Proverbs 22:2, Matthew 5:9, 1 Corinthians 12:14-27).

*Diversity: A diverse community understands that it must treat each other with dignity and respect within CCS and beyond. It is a commitment to appreciate and value each individual, uniquely created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). We recognize the value of our differences socially, physically, economically, culturally, individually, academically, and linguistically.

Race and Ethnicity

We teach that God designed us to live as one human race, created in the image of God, through Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:27, Acts 17:26).
We teach that the human race is represented by various ethnicities, each with its own respective culture and distinctiveness. Each ethnicity and every person, no matter the differences, has equal worth and value (Colossians 3:11, Revelation 7:9-10).
We teach that Jesus died for people from every nation, tribe, language, and people group (Revelation 14:6).
We teach age-appropriate lessons that are written from a biblical worldview. This, in turn, informs how we respond to and interact with current controversies, policies, or theories. We do not promote views that are political in nature, such as Critical Race Theory (CRT).
We teach that there is one human race with many ethnicities and recognize our need to educate and understand cultural differences, so all people are known and valued at our schools.
We teach that as much as it depends on us, we are to live at peace with all people and love our neighbors as ourselves (Romans 12:18, Mark 12:31, Galatians 3:28).

Sexuality/Sexual Identity

We teach that God designed sexual intimacy to take place within, and only within, the bond of marriage between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:21-24, Hebrews 13:4).
We teach that God created man and woman for each other and that He ordained marriage and sex only in the context of a lifelong, heterosexual commitment (Genesis 1:27, 2:21-25).
In conversations regarding gender, we hold to the belief that every human being has been made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Physical bodies matter to God. We will extend a Christlike response to those who experience unease with their own biological sex and at the same time help people understand the Bible’s teaching on maleness and femaleness as taught in Genesis 1-2.

Sanctity of Life

We teach that God wants us to honor, respect, and preserve life (Psalm 139:1-18, Isaiah 44:2).
We teach that life begins at conception. The psalmist speaks of God’s craftsmanship and His intimate knowledge of each individual, including the number of days He has determined for each of us (Psalm 139).


Vision and Goals

The broad vision of Cascade Christian Schools is referred to as Vision 2030. There are seven major goal areas within the vision. There are also initiatives and annual action items that fall under and align with the vision. The statement that expresses Vision 2030 at its broadest level is as follows:

To change the world by developing discerning leaders
who advance God’s kingdom in their areas of influence

The broad categories below also reinforce and align with Vision 2030:

Guiding Principles
Effective schools know who they are and why they exist. We know who we are and why we exist here at Cascade Christian Schools, as reflected in our Guiding Principles. Organizationally, we can view our Guiding Principles as our worldview, which directs our values and our behavior, and shapes our culture.

Effective schools have a clear sense of direction. They know where they are going. We at Cascade Christian Schools have a clear and concise vision that is vibrant and to which it is worth dedicating one’s calling.

Effective schools make sure that all they do aligns with their guiding principles and advances them toward the school’s vision. Cascade Christian Schools has systems in place to ensure alignment.

Effective schools have a plan. Cascade Christian Schools has a strategic plan (those things that are critical to the vision) that is updated yearly and is placed in an accountability system, of which the MAP is a part. CCS also has operational plans (yearly improvement plans) for each division and department.

Curricular Model
Effective schools focus on the learning of each student and view all they do as curricular. Cascade Christian Schools has this view, which we carry out through our Educational Model and our Curricular Improvement System.

Effective schools operate on the premise that they can only carry out the vision by hiring the right people, those called to the purpose and mission of the school. Cascade Christian Schools is passionate about its people and their calling as we collaborate in unity—one spirit and one purpose.

Professional Development
Effective schools tie their professional development to student learning. Cascade Christian Schools is committed to supporting and providing professional development for all its administrators and teachers, as indicated in the Curricular Improvement System.

Vision 2030

Vision 2030 Statement
To change the world by developing discerning leaders
who advance God’s kingdom in their areas of influence

Yearly action items will be developed by the CCS Leaders Team for the fulfillment of the Vision 2030 Initiatives.

Vision Goal #1 Educational Excellence   We provide an excellent and highly personalized educational experience for each student.

Vision Goal #2 Financial Resources   We steward our financial resources from a position of stability and viability.

Vision Goal #3 Human Resources   We attract, develop, and retain highly qualified personnel who are called and aligned to our mission.

Vision Goal #4 Marketing, Communications & Strategic Initiatives   We strengthen and reflect CCS culture and identity in all that we do.

Vision Goal #5 Enrollment Management   We maximize enrollment in a manner that strengthens CCS culture.

Vision Goal #6 Advancement   We maximize and increase organizational capacity and efficiency.

Vision Goal #7 Operational Excellence   We strengthen and sustain a healthy, safe, and secure environment by increasing resources, such as program, equipment, and staffing.

The History of CCS

In mid-1991, three church-related schools in Pierce County realized the commonality of their schools’ missions and their shared desire to meet the needs of children. These people of vision from Cascade Christian’s three founding churches (Puyallup First Assembly of God, then Destiny Christian Center; Spanaway Assembly of God, now Sound Life Church of the Assemblies of God; and the People’s Church, now Champions Centre) unified their efforts to launch a new school system.

A year later, in 1992, Cascade Christian Schools was incorporated as an independent, interdenominational school district with a Board of Directors (originally seven members) and Pastors’ Council consisting of the senior pastors of our three founding churches. School was officially in session in the fall of 1993, and in the spring, the Class of 1994 was the first Cascade Christian High School class to graduate.

Today, Cascade Christian Schools, governed by a Board of Trustees, is a thriving school district serving students and families on five campuses throughout Pierce County.


Open House
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