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    Every Cougar, Every Day

    Cascade Christian High School (CCHS) provides students with an experience that focuses on core foundational academics, integrated from a biblical worldview, with an emphasis on developing leadership characteristics, communication skills, and the ability to think critically. CCHS believes that a well-rounded student will best be prepared for life after high school. Students are prepared for college and for careers that fit their gifts and purpose.

    Prepared for College ...

    Academics at the high school level offer a college-preparatory emphasis. In addition to the core curriculum, which exceeds Washington State graduation requirements, Cascade Christian provides Advanced Placement courses that prepare and equip students for the college or university of their choice.

    In addition, the Complementary Education Opportunities program at CCHS allows juniors and seniors to start college now, gaining experience as college students and receiving college credit in high school. It also allows them to take skills-based programs that help them learn about hands-on technical fields not offered at CCS.

    CCHS students exceeded the state and national SAT scores in all categories for the 2023 school year, and CCHS students have been accepted at more than 75 different schools, colleges, and universities worldwide.

    For the Class of 2024 graduates, approximately $1.2 million in scholarships and grants was offered for their acceptance to attend higher education institutions.

    Learn more by reading the High School Profile.

    Prepared for Career ...

    While encouraging students to attend the college of their choice, CCHS recognizes that some students will choose another path. CCHS graduates have become business owners, members of our armed services, worship leaders, and missionaries, just to name a few.

    All CCS students are trained and encouraged to lead in the areas that God has called them to, and our Internship Program can help them discover new interests and build skills for the future.

    Prepared for Life ...

    Besides a great education and preparation for the work force, students at Cascade Christian Schools are encouraged to pursue friendships that will last a lifetime. But even more importantly, they are encouraged to pursue their own personal relationship with Christ.

    A yearly conference, weekly chapels, opportunities to participate on worship team and in Bible studies, and participation in IMPACT Term—an annual week of service to the community, the nation, and sometimes the world—are just some of the ways students come to know how they fit in to the body of Christ.