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Kindergarten – 2nd Grade Boys and Girls:

It’s time for some little Cougs to learn the sport of basketball in a practice-play format. This new format allows young athletes to play on a team and compete against other CCS K–2nd grade teams while keeping it fun and streamlining the schedule for busy families!

K–2nd grade practice/games will be held at the CCS Junior High/High School gyms on Saturdays. This format includes a team practice that transitions into a game directly after. With these younger ages, the opportunity to implement what they worked on in practice directly into a game is a great way to learn basketball.  

Kindergarten (co-ed):  

Cost: $85

Practice-play: 30-minute practices, 30-minute games

Season: January–March

Registration for kindergarten is closed!

1st/2nd (boys/girls):

Cost: $100

Practice-play: 45-minute practices, 40-minute games

Season: January–March

Registration for 1st/2nd grade is closed!

3rd–6th Grade Boys and Girls

You spoke and we took action! We are excited to now offer a new model for the 2024–2025 elementary basketball season. We will have both a Recreational and an Elite team option at each grade level from 3rd through 6th grade. This will be contingent on the number of players trying out and coach availability. The goal is to provide skill development and an opportunity for each athlete to progress at his/her own speed while creating a competitive environment to prepare athletes for Junior High and High School competition.

2024–2025 Tryouts:

2024-2025 Tryouts for Elementary Basketball Elite teams have been completed for this season. Students can still register to play on a Recreational team for the 2024-2025 basketball season. Registration for Recreational teams will close November 13, 2024, at midnight. 


Cost: $160 (price subject to change)

Athletes will be charged the one-time fee of $160. This includes uniforms, practice facilities and league fees. If an athlete chooses not to play on a team following tryouts, please refer to the refund policy located in the Program Handbook.  

Season: December–March (One practice and one jamboree will occur in the month of December. Practice/Games will be played from January-March).

League: Elementary Nisqually League (ENL)

ENL, short for Elementary Nisqually League, is an elementary basketball league which reflects the same schools that form the Nisqually League at the Junior High and High School level. The 3rd-6th grade teams have the opportunity to learn and play at different levels by competing in two different divisions—blue or black.

The goal of Cascade Christian Elementary recreational basketball is fundamental development, Christlike character building, and preparation for JH and HS basketball.  

Practice: ALL recreational teams will practice at the JH/HS gyms.  

1-2 practices / weekdays and times TBD  

Games: Combination of home and away games on Saturdays  


  • 3rd/4th (boys/girls)
  • 5th/6th (boys/girls)


Cost: $400-$500 (price subject to change). Athletes will pay through Paypal.

The cost up-front to register for tryouts is $160 whether you play on a recreational team or elite team. If you make and choose to participate on the elite team an additional fee will be charged.  This additional fee is yet to be determined, but will cost between $250-$300 extra per player. This includes uniforms, practice facilities, equipment, league fee, and 3-4 tournament fees.

Season: November–March

League: Puyallup Recreation Select

Tournaments: 3-4 tournaments  

Practice: 2 practices / weekdays and times TBD 


  • 3rd (boys/girls)
  • 4th (boys/girls)
  • 5th (boys/girls)
  • 6th (boys/girls)



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