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Register online by June 1 to get your registration fee waived!

A 10% sibling discount applies to tuition for each additional student from the same family attending SEA (does not include registration fees).

What is Summer English Academy?

Cascade Christian Schools’ Summer English Academy (SEA) is a three-week intensive English learning opportunity for international students in grades 7 through 12. Each day offers four key components to English Language Learning:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking
  • Listening

All programs and field trips are supervised by responsible and nurturing staff. Students will remain with their counselor throughout the day and be grouped according to grade level and English competency.

Learning Opportunities

The following are some SEA learning opportunities:

  • SEA utilizes traditional English Language Learning (ELL) to promote an intensive English course while preparing students for their TOEFL and SAT exams.
  • Credit recovery is also available at an additional charge, utilizing CCS Online.
  • Students must preregister for CCS Online courses by June 22.
  • SEA students will receive High School English Lab credit upon completion of course.

SEA Topics

During Summer English Academy, the focus will be on improving English language skills so the student can be more successful during the school year. Classes will meet from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Topics of study and discussion include the following:

  • CCS Orientation and Induction: A discussion of Cascade Christian–specific information.
  • CCS Culture Training: A focus on Leadership Development, Spiritual Formation, Personal/Social Maturity, and Academic Excellence.
  • Content-Based Vocabulary: A curriculum to help English language learners know common vocabulary words in subject areas that they will be taking, including algebra, history, biology, and physics.
  • Team and Service: Off-campus activities designed to help students impact their community and become leaders through service.
  • Conversational English: Opportunities for SEA students to interact with American high school students.
  • Literature: Time set aside to read one or more novels in order to enhance students’ reading comprehension skills.
  • Local Sights and Culture: Trips to various places in the local area to increase understanding of the local culture and add English language opportunities. These trips may include
    • Argosy Cruise Harbor Tour
    • Seattle Aquarium
    • Microsoft Visitor Center
    • Museum of Flight
    • Woodland Park Zoo
    • Seattle Space Needle
    • Experience Music Project
    • Pacific Science Center
    • Mount Rainier
    • Northwest Trek
    • Ride the Ducks Tour
    • Pacific Ocean

Please email Darlene Kasper for more information. 
Inquire also if you are interested in summer options for younger grades.

It’s so amazing that I could be in this camp. I learned a lot and made a lot of new friends. I think I am ready for my new school year.

- Previous SEA student

Open House