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Junior HighCougar Sightings Blog

News& Updates

2024 Start of School Information

Dear Cascade Christian Community,We are less than two weeks from the start of the 2024/2025 school year, and we could not be more excited! In this email, you will se...

Pioneer Campus | Puyallup Elementary Updates

Click here to see the latest updates! God has provided in amazing ways for the relocation of Puyallup Elementary to the Pioneer campus.  

Junior HighCougar Sightings Blog

Be Still And Bring Him Worship

This year as we enter the Advent season, I’ve been reflecting on our spiritual theme, BE STILL, and how this so beautifully connects to Christmas. As we know, there can be pressure for us at Christmastime to buy more, do more, and celebrate bigger and better... but Jesus calls us to simply come and behold; to BE STILL; to adore and worship Him.  One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Little Drummer Boy,” which is a story of how a young child had nothing of value to bring to the newborn King, but he realized he could sim...

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